For many years the SAR. has recognized the many common bonds of purpose and principles shared by the SAR and Scouting BSA.
The young men and women achieving the rank of Eagle Scout have demonstrated their belief in these common principles. For this reason, the SAR believes that Eagle Scouts are deserving of special recognition for their accomplishment and dedication.
This is your invitation to participate in this recognition and scholarship program.
There are three levels at which you might receive recognition and/or monetary awards.
- Many local chapters of the SAR present certificates, medals and in some cases, cash awards, to the winners of competition within a chapter territory or a local BSA Council area.
- Each State, and the District of Columbia, selects a winner who receives a handsome Eagle Trophy.
- State winners applications are submitted to the SAR. National Eagle Scout Committee which meets in February or March of each year to judge state winner entries, and from them to select the three top National Scholarship winners.
The National winner receives an $8000 Scholarship award and is brought as our guest to the National SAR Congress, held in June or July each year, where the award is made and the Eagle presents their essay to the assembly.
The first runner-up receives a $4000 award, and the second runner-up $2000, presented at State society meetings.
The Georgia state winner receives a $600 award and the runner up receives a $400 award.
Who may apply and deadlines for applications
This annual competition is conducted on a calendar year basis.
Any Eagle Scout is eligible to apply who is still registered actively in a Scout unit provided that s/he does NOT reach his/her 19th birthday in the calendar year of application.
An Eagle may apply more than one year, but no individual may be awarded more total dollars than the $8000 First Place award. For example, if an Eagle applies one year and receives the National runner-up award of $4000, and has not reached his/her 19th birthday in the following calendar year, they may apply the second year, but if they were the First Place winner, they would receive only an additional $4000.