The SAR’s Speakers Bureau program is available to fellow C.A.R., DAR & SAR Chapters, other genealogical or historical societies, Rotary, Kiwanis, or other community service groups that can utilize speakers. Our Robert Forsyth speakers have interesting presentations that promote patriotic, educational and historical interests, that are related to key figures and events from the American Revolution or post war development of the United States.
Contact Us:
If you are interested in our speakers program, use this link to Contact Us
Emil Decker –
Contact Information:
email: [email protected]
Phone: (706) 482-8248 Txt preferred
Fees: No charge, but distance compensation is appreciated.
Travel Range: Have Presentation – Will Travel.
Speaking Conditions:
Audio-Visual Equipment – Will need an LCD Projector / TV that connects to my laptop for display of PowerPoint slides. Can bring if you don’t have the facilities. Microphone/speaker system should be provided if venue room is

Lecture Topics:
- Uniform Accessories: “Epaulets, buttons, cravetts, oh my!”
- Georgia’s Rebellious Counties: “Counties named for Rev War Rebels
- Medical Practices of the 18th Century: Collection of tools & samples)
- Idioms: What are they & where did they originate
- Marquis de Lafayette: All American Hero
- Traveling Trunk: 18th Century Life via hands on items
- Uncle Sam: Who is he really?
- History of Guns: (Collection of replica and original pieces…Venue approval needed)
- More……… Need a custom presentation? Can work up with time.
Biography: Compatriot Emil (AMY’-L) Decker is a retired Industrial Arts / Technology teacher with 32 years of service. He served in the US Army for 8 years and was deployed to Saudi Arabia with a Chemical Decontamination Unit during the First Gulf War. He is the main contact for the Robert Forsyth Chapter’s Traveling Trunk, the Editor of their “The Marshal” newsletter, as well as the editor of the State Society’s Hornet’s Nest. He is a member of the Georgia Society’s Color Guard & Elijah Clarke Militia.
He also edits the Georgia Garden Railroad Society’s Newsletter, trains being among his other hobby pursuits. His interests are extremely varied, which keeps him from focusing on any one to the exclusion of the others.
Lecturing Credentials: 32 years of public school teaching and Christian church classes. Degrees: BSed. Speech Communications, English, Drama, Industrial Arts. – UGA; Med Computer Based Ed. – UGA; Specialist Online Ed. – Lesley Univ.
His ancestry includes, his primary ancestor is William Decker, a militiaman from Mecklenburg, Virginia. Others being researched.